Jeremy turned 1~ I swear he was just born yesterday! A couple of weeks ago we went to his house for a party! He was so cute opening his presents. His big sister Journey was super cute too and ready to help!

He got some jeans from Grandma Myrna!

We gave him a little baby T-Rex. When you push on it's tongue he did some baby sounds and baby roars! So cute. It was hard to find something a little boy could carry with him and still have it be tuff and boyish! I think he liked it.

Mommy and Daddy and sister gave him a cute Sesame Street Guitar. He really loved it.

All the kids with all Jeremy's spoils!

His big sisters gave him some cute little Nerf balls. He really loved them.

Time for cake! My favorite is Jamie's face! We laughed at this for a good long while!

Jeremy wasn't sure about the cake on his hands.

still not sure if he likes this.....

really starting to not like it at all.....

"get this crap off of me!".......


We were trying to take pictures and seriously this is the best one of me and Marilynn. There were other cute ones of her but mine all stunk! I had wet hair. No good. I feel bad though because she was adorable in all of them!

B and Jamie!

Their true colors.

We love you baby Jeremy! Happy happy day!