Today is Max's 8
th birthday! I can't believe that he is 8! He will be baptized on March 11
th with all his family and friends there. He has been taking the missionary discussions and he amazes me all the time with his knowledge and testimony! I adore this little boy! Our traditional birthday post, everyone says something they like about Max!

Mommy: " I like that Max is considerate of others! He is always thinking of ways to make others happy or feel better. I like that he is a free thinker! I like that he is creative and he is not afraid to be goofy! I LOVE that he has crushes on girls because "they are smart" or "they like to read"! He is such a great boy! "
Callie the cat: "Meow, I love that he doesn't love to play with me. Out of all the kids he leaves me alone the most! Meow!"

Juliet: "I like that Max loves loves loves me! He gets me
ba ba's when I am not supposed to have them! He LOVES to play with me even when I don't want to play with him!"

Darby: "I like that he cares for other people. I like how he's so cute. I like it when he has handsome hair. I'm excited for him to get baptized. He is awesome."
Dash: "I like that he plays with me. I like that he gave me a sucker and that's it. And I love him very much, thats it."

Daddy: "I love the way he thinks. I wish I
could see the world through his eyes. His imagination and humor are rare. His laughter is contagious. I love the way he's concerned for the "little guy", whether it's his
baby sister or another little one that is in need, he genuinely cares. His love has no
boundaries." (Why does B always say it best?)

Happy Birthday my beautiful baby boy!
Wow! I remember the very first time I met your family. It was both of our first Sunday in a brand new ward. Max was only a week or so old and I was prego with Hyrum, and you had just moved from Florida to Arlington, TX. It really doesn't seem like that long ago. Time sure does go by quickly. Happy birthday, Max!!
Happy Birthday Max! I hope it was awesome :)
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