
Calgon, take me away!

Today was a grocery store disaster! Grocery shopping with all 3 is never fun but always has been manageable. Todays adventure ended in tears (mine) and spanking (them) then phone calling (Brandon) to let him know that the boys would be at his work with in the next hour or so for him to do what he pleased with them! Max yelled (at me) really mean things that I wanted to yell back but didn't! He even said he was marking me off his chart with 3 x's! I don't know what that is but it is really bad! I couldn't talk to anyone and if Darby didn't have piano today they really would have ended up with Brandon! I am sure it's a phase, I am sure it's a phase, I am sure it's a phase!


Tiffany said...

You'll look back one day and laugh :) It is pretty awesome that you have a window licker haha! maybe I will buy you guys some helmets for christmas!! I'm sure the people in the office enjoyed Dash's designs!

Heather said...

I can so remember the days when my kids were that age. Oh wait who am I kidding it can be that way still. It does get better. Best way to get over a day like that is go in after they go to sleep and see how cute they really are...Good luck.