
My sugar cookie Hero!

Every year for Halloween and Christmas my dad would make home-made sugar cookie dough and let us pull out 16,000 different cookie cutters. He would patiently roll out the dough 1000 times and then let us cut them out. He would bake them and whip up all different color frostings and we would get to decorate them on our own! I had no idea how amazing that was! I started the dough yesterday (from a mix) then rolled the dough out. By the time I had 3 ghosts cut out I knew this would be a mommy only job! I had flour all over me and dough all over the rolling pin. There were words not for little ears and I only had to cut out 3 batches (about 12 ghosts)! This was all before the baking or decorating. When it was time to frost, there were no multiple colors, no sprinkles, buttons, or sparkles! We had BROWN ghosts only! They were lucky to get eyes!
Some didn't even look like ghosts....and I was the one who cut them out....not the kids.
At the end of the day though the kids thought I was a hero! If they only knew what a real hero was. The man, who not only one year but many years would dawn an apron, let the flour fly, not worry about time or mess and let his kids create masterpieces! Thanks Daddy! My Hero!

(I have no idea! Again....the best picture he would take. After the first set of laughs he just kept the faces coming!)

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