SO, when we got to there house she had a fun game for us to play. She had frozen shirts and the first person to get it on was the winner. You could do anything you could think of to get them defrosted. (aside from hosing them down.) It was soooo much fun and hilarious to watch! Dash won! (I think my granny helped him though) All the rest of the kids were ticked because there was a prize.....that he ended up sharing. Here we are with our freazing cold shirts on!
After a super yummy bbq she pulled our GIANT marshmellows so we could have smores! MAX'S ALL TIME FAVORITES! All the kids thought it was so cool to have a fire in the back yard!
Smores are a very serious business!
Those Marshmellows really were HUGE!
Juliet couldn't get enough of Aunt Andi. I think she knew too that she was the lady with all the ingredients. Andi is also a grandma (even though she doesn't look it) so she knows how to spoil the kiddos!
Malory got in on the action! (I don't have favorite cousins but IF i did it would be her!)
You can get a good look at that honker marshmellow there! Our smores were so big we had to have bowls!
I don't know if this was his second or third. I do know that he couldn't finish the third though! He looks done!
holy moly! She is so cute! I LOVE hanging out with her. She makes me laugh so hard! She is the best!
After smores were fireworks!
The kids had so much fun. Thanks to my amazing aunt and uncle!

"Smore" 4th of July please!
We got to spend 4th of July with my Aunt Andi and Uncle Spike. (they are 2 of my favorites....I even wanted to name Juliet Spike if she was a boy but Brandon said no. He was afraid a boy named Spike would get picked on......FOR REAL? Who picks on a boy named SPIKE?) SO my Uncle Spike's real name is Phil. I didn't know that until I was married. He has always been Spike to me. I thought my granny was soooo creative! I guess his friends who nick named him that were the creative ones. I had a HUGE crush on him and my Uncle Mike when I was little. He has always been there and I love him for that. My Aunt Andi has always been an amazing example. She is a great mom, a fun aunt, and an incredible wife. I remember her always having the spirit growing up and I wanted to feel like I felt when I was around her all the time. I adore her and would like to be more like her when I grow up!
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