The weekend after the roadshow we had our cast party in our back yard! It was TONS of fun. Brandon gave out awards and we had a HUGE bounce house! We were having a bounce house for
Dash's birthday the next day and the cast party also fell on Aaron's 16
th birthday so Miss Anna went in
halfsies so we could have it for the cast party too! SO FUN!!!
Jimmy and Stacy
Russon (AKA- Captain Zipper and The Judge....Stacy was also the
miminator translator for one of the shows)

Sara Cowley and Lauren Williams. Sara was the
Miminator Translator on Sat. night. She was supposed to be on both nights but her grandpa passed away suddenly and they had to leave. It was awesome to see the ward pull together, learn each others lines really quickly and step in to help the
Cowleys. Lauren played one of the Wonder Twins one night and was an extra superhero on another night!

Me and Taryn. We worked behind the scenes and I was an extra superhero!

THE BIRTHDAY BOY! Sweet Sixteen! Aaron! I
absolutely love this boy! He is in young men with Brandon and he is Miss Anna's son! He is just a good boy all around! We are lucky to have him at our house as often as we do! You can tell he HATED this picture when I asked the girls to "kiss" him!

Bishop Allen and his wife Teresa! Bishop played another Judge!

Brandon and
WIlliam. William played the
mimenator and Brandon was one of the evil flunkies of Mr. Big. I think his name was
Beezer? Brandon also wrote and directed the road show!

More kisses for the birthday boy! (I don't remember these girls names... they are in our stake)

A kiss from mom!

Ruthie, Miss Anna, Julia and
WIlliam. Ruthie played one of the Twins. Anna was an extra and Brandon's right hand man and one night she played the mayor and Julia was an extra superhero!

Dash, Darby, Holland, Jenna,
McKayla, Jessica and Tyler. We have extra superheros, security and the Mayor!
Lorretta Au and Sister Allen. Loretta was an extra superhero and the computers voice. Her hubby did all the sounds and lighting for us setting us apart from all the other wards!

Bishop Allen, Brother Au, and Lauren

Me and B! (and some of his goofy boys behind us) I love that he worked so hard on this. It was something that was really hard and something we could all be proud of!

Happy Birthday to Aaron!

Make a wish!

We had a great great time doing the road show. It was a TON of work and as much fun as we had and as many awards as we got (a lot:) I am happy we only do road shows every 4 years!
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