The kids thought it would be really funny to put on Juliet's diapers. Juliet thought it was hilarious. First it was just Dash......

They are soooooooo funny!

Then the other 2 ran out with diapers on too! I have no idea how they got them to fit! It was hard not to laugh! They are pretty funny! Darby's legs crack me up! They are so long and skinny!
hahaha, your kids are going to be so happy that you snapped that picture of them...especially when you show it to their dates on prom night. ;)
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Sue!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the last shows perfectly each one of their personalities! Super crazy that a photo of your kids in diapers can show each one's individuality. I FLIPPIN' LOVE THOSE KIDS!!!!! I love you for posting those pictures! So AWESOME!
did they pee or poop in their nappies ? If so did you have to change them, or did you make them change themselves ?
it looks like the peed themsleves
Kids should wear diapers for life they look better and it's easier
Would be hard to to
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