I taught 2 classes this morning with a pretty pink bandaid on my bummer toe. When I came home and took off my shoe and sock this is what I saw. SICK! I yelled out loud! What do you do with that? I had trimmed down the prior injury so it wouldn't catch on anything! I guess none of my toe nail wanted to stay on! GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS!! Body injuries are just disgusting no matter how you slice it!

Trim it down and this is what you get. A sad old lady toe. Frankly even with a nail my toes need all the help they can get. They are long with a ball on the end, making them look like little alien suction cup toes and my pinky toe lays sideways. My toes are ugly. Plain and simple. Now they are uglier.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Take care of that toe, girl! You poor thing!!!
I LOVE IT. Reminds me of work, haha! Good lord, just keep it from getting infected, mmkay?
Having done ballet for 13 year and a lot of that on toe I have see my share of toe nails come off! Remember no pain no gain? Right!
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