You will read all about this a little lower. I knew I had this picture and didn't know how to put it further down after I had blogged everything else! She just wants to be like the big kids!

This is
Dash's friend Peter! All the boys had to be silly with the M&Ms! We had tons and tons of fun! Dash shared his party with his friend

Peter, Dash and Noah! They are his buddies from school.

Noah's turn with the M&M eyes!

Dash and
JoJo. She is NOT his girlfriend! He only likes her a little. She is in his class at church and was the only girl that was not family invited to the party!

Being silly!
Dash's turn! You can see Juliet in the back trying to put M&M's in her eyes too!

Aaron, Austin, and Tyler. They were all at the party the night before and stumbled in (in the same clothes) for
Dash's party. Yes, these are some of the boys Dash invited. They were huge helps for the Jedi training too!

The boys line up for the Master Jedi to come out!

Master Jedi Obi Wan
Kanobi (SP?) AKA Brandon Stephens (
Caden's dad)

All the boys got suited up in their Jedi gear.

Then they were loaded up with their light sabers for the training! The light sabers we made our of pool noodles and duck tape. They were easy and cheap and don't hurt if you get bonked on the head! (we totally stole the training from the Disney Land Jedi training. Thankfully Taryn and Brandon have season passes so they had seen it a few times) We had Star Wars music playing during the training!

Master Jedi

OH NO! The music changed to Darth Vader's march and out came Vader! It was a very exciting moment! This was the only thing that really was expensive for this party. Stupid Vader Mask. (50$) The Darth Vader costume to rent was 75$ for the cheap one. I decided to invest in a cool mask so we can use it over and over. Brandon took care of the rest with a cape and some of my work out pants. He used duck tape to make the chest piece. Very cool and very effective!

succumbed to the dark side and just knelt before Vader! (SO FUNNY!)

Caden's baby brother Weston got in on the action. It was adorable!

All the kids loved the party and had a ton of fun in the bounce house with their pool noodle light sabers. No one got hurt either because it was a pool noodle. We went down town to the fashion district for the fabric (1$ a yard) and just cut a big circle out for their heads and tied a sash. SO easy! They got to take their gear home with a Jedi training certificate. It was too much fun! (ANYONE WHO WANTS TO BORROW THE JEDI MASK IS WELCOME BECAUSE I WILL GET MY MONIES WORTH FOR THAT BAD BOY!!!)

Dash is whispering to
Caden what they should wish for when they blow out their candles!

Because our party was combined we took the gifts inside to open later. The second the last guest left I couldn't find Dash. He had gone inside to tear into his gifts. He was a very lucky boy. His friends were very thoughtful and very generous! We had a great time at his party and I loved planning it with my friend Taryn! I highly
recommend sharing a party to anyone if you have a close friend. It cut the cost and made it so we could splurge on some cool things! Tons of fun!

Could Juliette be any cuter???! I love that first shot and am still in awe of this birthday party that you rocked (I was going to say 'pulled off', but that just isn't right now, is it? You did much better than that!).
Missing you guys and so grateful you and your sweet kids were so generous to let us borrow your Wii. That was a big deal and we REALLY appreciate it! Please tell the kids I owe them big time for their sacrifice!
What a fantabulous party idea!!!!! May have to store that way in my ticker somewhere for future parties!!!
Wow..!!! That was lovely. The moments we spend with our family are so precious. I think we should make them more inspiring with some more interesting and enthusiastic games and activities..Scavenger Hunt
Dash's and Caden's Jedi Training Birthday Party was enchanting. There is total fun in this party. My son is quite excited for his upcoming birthday bash. I just booked the garden themed San Francisco venues for this party and now he is working on the DIY crafts for the party décor.
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