After the Road Show was said and done the youth came to our house and "Heart Attacked" the door for Brandon! He is the Young Men's youth leader and was the writer/director of the play! They wrote really amazing things on the hearts for him!

Oops. This one is upside down! You can still see the hearts though!

They left a bowl of goodies and gifts too. Gift card to Outback, candy, movie tickets and a coupon for free babysitting! (GOLD)

He sat alone and read each heart. His head is down because he started to cry. :( SO sweet. The kids really touched him and he had no idea what the road show meant to them!
That is awesome! We didn't even get to talk about that part of the story. I love that the youth took the time to say thank you in such a meaningful (and oh-so-fun-date-night!) way. You two were wonderful to do that. Jonas said this morning "Mom, we need to go back to our friends."- about three times!
What a sweet brother I have. :)
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