"Whenever I needed some peace in our chaotic and crazy home I looked for Brandon and I always found it. He also built the best forts. And he never tattled, even when I called him a "bi*ch" in 5th grade because he picked my bestie to be on his kickball team. Love that bro of mine! " Wendy D'Anna
more about B
Brandon's sister, Wendy, posted this in our comments. Comments don't print in our book and I REALLY wanted to remember this! Thanks Wedyls! I love love love it!
I'm just not sure!
We had to clear out all the furniture of our house for our new carpet.....
Lots of space equals some unusual behavior. I'm not sure what is going here.......
But it didn't end well for anyone!!!! My favorite part of this picture is for sure the crumbs of surprise found under furniture that I have captured forever in film that is all over the carpet. The look on Darby's face is how I felt about the old carpet! :) I will post more about the new carpet later........

Things y'all didn't know about B!
A little post about Brandon!!!! So y'all can get to know him better.....it has been brought to my attention that some of my peeps don't know B as well as I thought. Probably because he was in Young Men. Or maybe because he lets me shine all the time and takes a back seat. (wind beneath my wings style....I thought I was his wind????:) So I thought I would post a little about B so all would know some confessions about him! I'm sure he will just LOVE LOVE LOVE this one. Start squirming baby!
He does all the jobs I HATE! with out complaint. I hate to unload the dishwasher and he just does it. He also cleans the turtle tank and the kitty litter. He DOES NOT fold laundry. He can NOT multi task. He can NOT think and drive behind someone. The creative man can not pass someone while driving. VERY annoying. He can't help it if he is writing a movie in his head at all times while driving behind a 90 year old so if he is late to a church meeting after work that is why.
He loved working with the youth. This was the first time in our marriage that he had that opportunity and he loved every second of it. I think it was because his inner/outer child got to come out. No one judges you when you act the fool when they are all acting the fool! :)
He loves these guys. I think everyone knows that! He would rather hang out with them than a lot of people. He has been heard saying he is more comfortable at the kids table than any where else. That was one of the reasons I married him. I didn't want kids until I met this man. I wanted his kids. Only his kids. He reads them scriptures almost every nights. Sometimes I join in. Sometimes I don't. It is sometimes accompanied with yelling and I might secretly like it because he isn't a big yeller and it makes me feel more human when he yells. (should I delete that? I may come back in and edit that....I don't know.....one day my daughters might need to know it's ok to yell a little .......I don't know.....)
He doesn't do things half way! SO ANNOYING sometimes! I just want him to throw on a cape and a mask because that will work but he goes ALL the way and puts together a FULL costume to make it authentic and special for the boys. (2 hours later....annoying....but special.....and I SO love him for it!) I now have a Darth Vader costume for all to borrow! He does this with anything he takes on! The Road Show, Plays he has been in, Music he sings, anything.
He HATES HATES HATES taking pictures like this but he does for me because I like that it gives me skinny face!
So when we do it, he does them goofy....but look how skinny my face looks! RIGHT!?
He can mold his face into almost ANYTHING (Jim Carrey again)! He was Tony in West Side Story in college. The Wiz in The Wiz, The Nerd in The Nerd, and so many other wonderful plays and musicals! He is one of 7 brothers and sisters and has 5 more step brothers. His dad past away 2 years ago. He has to tough tough stories of growing up that make me love him even more (like wearing his sisters pants to school being teased and stuff that only makes you stronger) but the man went on to be Student Body President in High School. He really is incredible. I sure love him.
So I think that is a LITTLE taste of Brandon! Was that very painful babe? I didn't say anything about how sexy you are or what a good kisser you were or any thing like that! :)
As you can see by this photo he is a HUGE corn ball! HUGE HUGE HUGE! When we first met we went and saw Ace Ventura and I actually thought "I might be dating Jim Carrey and I don't really know I feel about that". I know! If you don't really KNOW Brandon it comes as a shocker because he is also shy. In a one on on setting he is kind of shy. In a group setting a cory ball or until you really get to know him then WATCH OUT he may never be serious again! I LOVE his sense of humor! He makes me laugh til I cry sometimes. EVERY DAY!
He is loved and respected every where he works and is missed when he leaves. He is profesional and strives so hard to be his best and is REALLY humble about his work. I on the other hand am not so humble about his work! I Think he is the best. He also loves to listen to movie themes. Random. Like the movie Brave Heart or Rudy. BIG music that moves him.
ow me
that is what my niece Olivia (now 20) used to say when she was hurt. Today I was hurt. Bad. By a friend. On the flip side another friend fixed a hurt and that was good. I love when hurts are fixed because I believe that it makes friendships stronger and better. The other hurt though I don't know will ever be repaired and that breaks my heart. You see I take my friendships very seriously. I have a gift. A gift of making friends. I love my friends like family. I love them fiercely and I fight for them. Sometimes to fiercely....I don't give them the time they need to heal by calling and texting and calling and calling and texting and stalking. :) So tonight I say Ow Me. With a broken heart and a sigh. but on the other hand, on a less ow me note, the true friendships shine through. So I will try to celebrate that and let go of the other broken friendship! ow me.
This is what I do!
My cute friend Cindi wrote this as her fb status! It made my day! Yes this is what I do! Thank you Cindi for the shout out!
Thank you for Zumba, and just dancing wildly in your living room...because that Turbo Kick crap is for people on crack, or at least good backs and amazing endurance. Epic shout out to my friend, mom-of-4-kiddos Suzy, as she teaches this class, as in several in one day!! I humbly bow to you. That was just what I envision hell on earth to be like. And yes, I left 1/2 way through. :) — with Suzy Muir Jeffords.
Suzy's Valentine

why I love him....
So on this Day o' Love I wanted to remember the reasons that I fell in love with my sweet man! Life can get crazy and years go by and you forget the tiny things that thrilled you! I just read the sweetest letter on a blog that made me think of this. (It was from the bloggers granny...it was "divine" as she called it. I loved every nostalgic bit of it.)
Why I loved and love the Big B!
SO funny! makes me laugh at nothing and everything every day!
Loves the Lord with all his heart.
Is "to the core" good. Really really good.
Is naughty when it's right. ;)
LOVES movies and isn't afraid to cry at a chick flick or any flick for that matter!
DOESN'T watch sports.
SOOOOOO handsome!
LOVE his hands!
Sexy bootay!
ohhhhh his singing voice!
Makes me feel safe!
Follows his dreams.
Is passionate about me following mine.
can say I'm sorry.
can speak spanish! (sexy)
He isn't perfect.
the least judgmental person I've ever met!
thinks I'm sexy when I'm my least sexy.
stares at me when I don't know it.
writes the BEST letters.
wants to be a father.
loves his family.
doesn't want me to work...wants me to be an at home mommy.
I didn't want to have kids til I met him....I wanted to have HIS kids.
made me feel like I would be a great mommy.
loves traditions.
isn't afraid to look the fool. (the man can/can't dance!)
There are so many reasons I first fell in love with B and I know I could list a thousand more now that we have been married for 14 years and known each other almost 20! I am one lucky lady! Happy Valentines! Be sure to tell someone you love them and maybe even make a list why!
Super Saturday provident living style!
We had a provident living Super Saturday a couple weeks ago and I was asked to teach a class on cheap dates. I was really excited and was able to talk about dating your spouse and little things to do to make them feel special. I am really passionate about dating my hubby and making time for each other. There are so many great ideas out there and the research I did only added to my passion for dating! I realized that were weren't doing enough and needed to get back on track and not let life happen to us! I'm really glad to have had the opportunity to teach and top have a little wake up call! It was a really great day! Email me if you want any of the handouts! 
The food of course was amazing and the decorations simple and beautiful!

Some of the women who helped put it together! We didn't have a huge turn out but all that came had a great time!
Max becomes a BEAR!
Max turned 9 the begininng of this year and with that he moved classes from Wolf to Bear in scouting. No more yellow stuff....all light blue now. He worked hard to "earn" his Wolf too. i was really pround of him. This is his "Akaela" switching him over. (Sister Grodske...amazing)
Our proud Bear!

Then they have the mom or dad come up and pin the bear badge on them. You pin it upside down until they do a good deed then they get to have it sewn on right side up!

The mommies get to wear that cool scout ribbon necklace to pin the pins on. We earn stuff right along side our scouts! I sure love that he LOVES scouts! It may not be my favorite thing in the world but I love that he is passionate about such an amazing program that helps him be a better person! GO MAX!
too funny!
I don't teach Zumba as a format but I have taken it! I loved loved loved this because this is how I feel when I take Zumba! It is also how I feel when TKB really clicked for me. I sure hope I don't look like Jim Carrey doing TKB!!! At any rate....I loved this and wanted to share!!! Happy Friday y'all!

A Visit from the Thomas'
This is a cake that Tiff and I went to pick up for the Activity Day girls activity. We had asked them to write Happy Birthday on it but it was the boys first day in the bakery. This is what came out to us. (Yes it does say Happy b-day) We were laughing so hard! The girl asked us if we wanted to get another one and let her write on it. Um, yes please. I swear this stuff only happens to me and Tiffany! It makes for some funny memories though!
Happy Birthday Baby Jeremy!
Jeremy isn't a baby anymore! :( He is such a cute big boy! He turned 2 this year! He LOVES dinosaurs! T-Rex is his favorite! We gave him a cool Animal Planet T-Rex! He was so cute with it!
His mom and dad gave him a new bike! He loved it. He had been loving his sisters bike that she got for Christmas. Now he has his own big boy bike too!
He had a Hulk cake!
He got mad at one point. ( I don't know why but it sure cute when he does!)
But then it was all better and time to blow out his candle! I love that we get to live by them so that we can celebrate these things together! I love that they love to come to Aunt Sue's! Such sweet babies! Happy happy birthday cute boy!
Activity Day Girl Temple Trip
2 weeks ago we were able to take the Activity Day girls (some of them anyway) to the L.A. Temple. We had a picnic and talked about the new year. We went to the visitors center and the sister missionaries gave us a tour of the temple grounds. It was really cool to learn that even the grounds have significance and meaning. Everything has a purpose and a spiritual meaning. It was a very cool tour. Darby, Olivia, and Lizzy. (Darby can't take a serious picture)
Camie and Lila. Camie and I serve as Activity Day leaders together and we get to team teach the girls on Sunday together too! Very cool.
These are the statues outside the visitor center. They have some beautiful pieces. I loved watching the girls read about them.
Love this sweet picture of Lizzy!

We have great girls and I love being with them. This was a really great trip and I highly recommend it to other activity day leaders. It was cool to get out and do something a little different. We did it on a Sunday right after church. It felt like a special and different activity. The girls just loved it!
Party Like it's 1999!!!!
We have a great back yard. It is really really big for California . It's beautiful and landscaped really well. We lend it out often for parties. I feel super blessed because we get to live in this amazing house and when we first moved in I said that we would lend out this amazing back yard to anyone who ever needed it. We have lent it for lots of kids parties, youth parties for church, Relief Society parties and many a baby shower. Who doesn't want the party at their house? :) This particular party was for our friend Allen Au. His wife was throwing him a 40th birthday party. This Party turned out to be HUGE!!!!! It was a lot of fun and they transformed our back yard into an amazing party that only a Californian could do! This is Loretta (party thrower) putting together the cake cups. Very cool.
This is my counter top when it was starting to be taken over by food for the party.
more food!
My back patio. (the twinkle lights are mine) :) I like to think I added a little to the magic of the party and it wasn't all the professional party planner they had hired! The white stuff is just plastic table cloth stuff that they draped everywhere. When it is bunched and draped it looks like fabric but is much cheaper. Very cool tip! They had vases with glow bracelets in them for people to take. They also broke some of them open and splashed other vases with the glow gel so the vases on the tables glowed! Very fun!
Such cute and simple table! Vase and mason jars. Votive candle. So simple and so classy. The tables were under a tent and there was a dance floor. The D.J. set up under our gazebo and they also set a photo booth under it too. That was really really fun! The cotton candy maker was on our shuffle board deck.
Then the food came ....and came.....and came...... First Sushi. Then meatballs, and fries, and jello oranges, and veggies, and a hot chocolate bar, and cake and so much other food.
My cousins were coming to visit for the weekend. What a fun weekend to have them come. (We don't really party like this) We had a ton of fun with them at the party. Joel and his cute girlfriend.
Nick and Brandon. Nick had only been home from his mission for a couple weeks.
Joel was gettin' his party on!
Not a very good picture of the dance floor and tables but I had to try.
Cotton candy machine! (this was really fun and we got to make our kids cotton candy the next day!)
more dance floor.
The birthday boy! Alan has been our stake d.j. for almost 20 years. He does all the dances and his available for parties for young and old. Tons of fun. He came and dj'ed our end of summer party. The kids thought that was really really cool!
One of my favorite parts of the night was towards the end when I came inside and found Nick helping the young women do the dishes. I was such a proud cousin. I have really great family!
We had such a great time at the party and I love being able to lend out my yard! Hopefully the birthday boy had a good time too!
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